1.3 The aim of the CVC is to introduce the Patent and engage in production cooperation in accordance with the technical Know-how specified in the Patent. Party A shall provide the factory building and other necessary facilities for production, and Party B shall offer the technical Patent. Both Parties shall each contribute their paid in capital in compliance with the items specified in the appendix to the Contract.
1.4 The CVC shall be run by Party A on its own, whilst Party B shall undertake theusage of whole process of the technical Patent and guarantee the products manufactured are up to the standards stipulated in the Contract. The technical Patent supplied by PartyB shall be compensated for by the Royalties.
1.3 合作企业的宗旨是引进专利,根据专利提供的技术诀窍进行合作生产。甲方应提供厂房及生产所需的其他设施,乙方应提供专利技术。双方应根据本合同附件规定的实缴资本出资。
1.4 合作企业由甲方独立经营,同时,乙方负责专利技术的整个使用过程,保证其产品达到合同规定的要求。乙方提供的专利技术应以专利使用费的方式补偿。
1 engage in 参与、从事、进行。Aim 企业经营中多表示宗旨
2 technical Know-how 技术诀窍 introduce 引进/介绍,看语境。
3 facility 设施(外延更大),equipment 设备 factory building 厂房(building意指各种建筑物)
4 contribute 出资
5 paid-in capital 实缴资本
6 run 等于 operation,这个 run 在正式文体中不该出现。on its own 正式文体中也不用,而是用 solely。
7 untertake 保证/负责,guarantee 保证,up to 达到。
8 compensate sb for sth 补偿
9 Royalties 通常处理为使用费。
1.3 The aim of the CVC is to introduce the Patent and engage in production cooperation in accordance with the technical Know-how specified in the Patent. Party A shall provide the factory building and other necessary facilities for production, and Party B shall offer the technical Patent. Both Parties shall each contribute their paid-in capital in compliance with the items specified in the appendix to the Contract.
1.4 The CVC shall be run by Party A on its own, whilst Party B shall undertake theusage of whole process of the technical Patent and guarantee the products manufactured are up to the standards stipulated in the Contract. The technical Patent supplied by PartyB shall be compensated for by the Royalties.
The technical terms defined in the Contract and in the Annexes attached theretoare incorporated herein by reference as if set forth herein in full. In addition to suchtechnical terms, the following technical terms used herein shall have the meaningsset forth below:
1 有关hereto, thereto的区别。hereto指的是本文件/当前文件。所以,in the Contract and in the Annexes,这里的Contract,说的显然不是当前这份合同,否则annexes后面就应该是跟“hereto”。所以不能翻译为本合同。
2 incorporated herein by reference,这样的表述,在合同当中非常多见。因引用构成/以引用的方式纳入...中。
The technical terms defined in the Contract and in the Annexes attached thereto(to the contract,非本文件的合同)are incorporated herein(in the document) by reference 提及/引用 as if set forth herein(in the document) in full 全部. In addition to suchtechnical terms, the following technical terms used herein shall have the meanings set forth 规定 below:
黄色修饰前面的 terms,红色修饰前面的名词 Annexes,绿色为介词短语做方式状语,以引用的方式,浅蓝色的意思为“好似规定在本文件中”,"好似" 经常不翻译,以使行文流畅,第一个灰色的意思为“全部/整个”,修饰前面的the document,意指构成整个文件的组成部分。红色修饰前面的terms,第二个灰色修饰前面的meanings。
“Products” shall mean the products listed in the attachment to this Contract.“产品”指本合同附件所列的产品。
“Patents" shall mean registered patent rights, registered utility model rights and any applications therefor(for those,those指代上述的专利、实用新型,for取“关于”之意) listed in the Attachment to this Contract.
“专利”指本合同附件所列的注册专利、注册实用新型以及与之相关的任何应用。黄色修饰application ,灰色修饰上文所有名词。
“Technology'' shall mean all technical data, formulations, manufacturing procedures, drawings and specifications, as well as manuals, catalogues and all other technical information which is necessary or desirable 有利的/值得要的 for the manufacture, use, service and sale of the Products and which Party B presently owns or will hereafter (after it,it 指代本文件)sell or transfer.
“Trademarks” shall mean the trademarks listed in the attachment to this Contract.“商标”:指合同附件所列商标。
“Technical assistance” — During the term of this Contract Party B shall send to the Co-operation Venture's manufacturing facility three (3) technical experts in the manufacture and development of the Products for a period to be agreed by the CVC and Party B in each year of this Contract. The salaries and wages of such specialists and their travel expenses 差旅费 between their regular 日常 place of employment 日常工作地点 and the CVC manufacturing facility 生产设施,可意译为生产部门shall be paid by Party B and the cost of their accommodation 住宿, meals 饮食 and living allowances 津贴 while in China shall be paid by the CVC.
At the request of the CVC, Party B will send three (3) technical experts fora reasonable period to be agreed upon by the Parties to provide furthertechnical assistance to the CVC with respect to the manufacture, use and sale of the Products. The CVC shall pay such experts travel expenses between their regular place of employment and the CVC manufacturing facility and the cost of their accommodation, meals and living allowances while in China.
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